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Mike's Worm Bin

Worm Bin Sizing

There are no hard and fast rules in worm farming but a few guidelines are useful for the beginner like me.

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources says "It is recommended that the worm to garbage ratio be 2:1. Worms are usually sold in terms of "pounds" rather than number. Use one pound of worms (about 1,000) to 1/2 pound of daily garbage. An average family of four generates about 7 pounds of compostable garbage per week. To create an environment for the worms to "eat" this much garbage, the worm bin should be equal to one square foot of surface for each pound of garbage per week."

So, an average family of four generaging 7 pounds of garbage per week will need a bin with 7 square feet of surface area. This is a square about 2 1/2 ft on each side or a round bin 3 feet across. This suggests that the "can-o-worms" I bought with its 20 inch diameter is better suited for a single individual than a family of four

Worm Genealogy

This was captured from the gardenweb Vermicomposting forum and archived for when it scrolls there

Posted by: Kelly_Slocum sw WA state (My Page) on Mon, Apr 21, 03 at 13:38

There are more than 4400 named species of earthworm on this planet, and researcher have broken them into three categories, largely descriptive of their habits in the soil. These three categories are endogeic, anecic and epigeic. Endogeic worms build complex lateral burrow systems through all layers of the upper mineral soil. These worms rarely come to the surface, instead spending their lives in these burrow systems where they feed on decayed organic matter and bits of mineral soil. They are the only category of worm which actually eat SOIL and not striclty the organic component. Endogeic worms tend to be medium sized and pale colored.

Anecic worms (like the common nightcrawler Lumbricus terrestris) build permanent, vertical burrows that extend from the soil surface down through the mineral soil layer. It is not unusual for these burrows to reach a depth of six feet or more. These worm species coat their burrows with mucous which stabilizes the burrow so it does not collapse, and build little mounds (called middens) of stone and castings outside the burrow opening. Anecic worms are able to recognize their own burrows, even in an environment where there are hundred of other burrows present, and return to these burrows each day.

The anecic species feed in decaying surface litter, so come to the soil surface regularly, which leaves them exposed to predators. They developed a spoon shaped tale that bristles with little retractable hairs, called setae, with which to grip the burrow wall and avoid being easily pulled out. Those of you who are seing worms with this "cobra" shaped tale are likely seeing an anecic worm species. They also tend to be very large worms and have bellies with less pigmentation than their backs. These worms have a long generation time, do not do well in high density culture and require the stable burrow environment in order to thrive. In the absense of this burrow, anecic worms will neither breed nor grow.

The worms we use in vermicomposting systems, like Eisenia fetida, are in the epigeic category. In nature epigeic worms live in the top soil and duff layer on the soil surface. These small, deeply pigmented worms have a poor burrowing ability, preferring instead an environment of loose organic litter or loose topsoil rich in organic matter deeper soils. Epigeic species feed in organic surface debris and have adapted beautifully to the rapidly shifting, dynamic environment of the soil surface.

We use epigeic worms because we can duplicate their ideal environment in a bin or bed, because they are voracious processors of organic debris, because they do well in high density culture, and because they are so very tolerant of a wide range of environmental conditions and fluctuations.

Among the epigeic species there are several dozen that have become naturalized to north America. It is widely believed that all native worm species were wiped out by glacial activity thousands of years ago and that those now supported in north American soils were introduced from Europe with explorers and settlers. While the recent articles about non-native species causing damage to US forests are interesting and worth noting, few soil ecologists find worries over non-native worms to be credible.

The epigeic worm species Eisenia fetida is found on nearly every land mass of this planet, with Hawaii being a notable exception (poor worms! If there's one place I'd like to be it's Hawaii!). Regardless, there are typically multiple epigeic worm species in most regions of the US. In the southern states, for instance, where E.fetida is prolific, at least two other worm speices are common, Amynthas gracillus and Perionyx excavatus. This is not to say these are the ONLY other species, but they are two that are routinely found south of the Mason Dixon line and in many areas of irrigated soils in the southwest. Here in the Pacific northwest our soils are home to many worm species, including E. fetida, but no A. gracillus or P. excavatus as these species cannot tolerate cool temps for any length of time. Those of you in Alaska are fortunate to also support rich populations of E. fetida worms, which do indeed survive your extreme winters. Admittedly the adults are likely killed by the freeze, but the amazing little cocoons can easily survive being frozen solid for many months, hatching healthy young when the spring thaw arrives.

In every region of the world there are worms adapted to the local soils. Not every place has had a taxonomic survey done, so researchers do not always know which worms you may have in your area, but it's fairly certain that wherever you are there is a worm adapted to converting surface debris to topsoil. When a composting or vermicomposting system is in soil contact naturalized earthworms will be drawn to the system when and if it meets their environmental requirements. Local epigeic species will all live happily side by side, processing vast amounts of organic debris, and the one best adapted to the particular bin environment and local climate will be the species that ultimately dominates the system. In most areas of the US this worm will be E.fetida, though P. excavatus is sometimes the dominant species in the southern states. In systems in soil contact it is also fairly common to find anecic species like the common nighcrawler investigating the bin. It is highly unlikely they will set up residence IN the system, but will visit the bin to find a nice meal before returning home to the comfort of its burrow.

Earthworms are an incredibly varied and adaptable group of animals that are so common in our world that they often go unoticed and unsung. We are far more dependant on them than we realize, and are fortunate that they are so eager and able to rise to the challenges we pose them!

Kelly Slocum

Last modified: 02-Apr-2005 by Michael Spann